L’interet de lacoelioscopie en matiere de cryptorchidie

Cryptorchidism is the location of the testis spontaneously and permanently outside of the scrotum at any point from its normal route of migration. It is a condition that is common in children, and poses both a diagnostic and therapeutic problem. The various imaging techniques have proven inadequate for cryptorchidism. They are reliable or to locate a non-palpable testis or to prove its absence. Laparoscopy is currently recognized as a safe and reliable to establish an accurate diagnosis and definitive, with a sensitivity of 100%. In addition, laparoscopy is needed now as the reference technique in the therapeutic management of cryptorchidism. Progress in this disease is not only the lowering of intra-scrotal testis but also improving soil fertility and preventing a possible bed malignant later. In our retrospective study, we report our experience in pediatric surgery department, CHU Hassan II of Fès in the laparoscopic management of cryptorchidism from a series of 38 undescended testis followed during the years 2006-2009. The average age of our patients was 8,45 years (2-16 yrs), we note 31% of bilateral cryptorchidism, 69% bilaterally with predominance on the left side in 48.3%. Laparoscopic exploration revealed 17 testicular intra-abdominal position, 6 position deep inguinal and 14 cases of testicular agenesis. It was realized by lowering the laparoscopic technique by Fowler and Stevens in two stages for 18 testes, 3 cuts in a time orchiectomy and one abstained for 14 testicular agenesis and 2 testicular feminization. The decline was good, no cases of testicular atrophy was noted.

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AuteurDerouich I
DisciplineChirurgie Pédiatrique 1
EncadrantBouabdallah Y