L’endocardite infectieuse : analyse rétrospective de 100 cas colliges au service de cardiologie du CHU II de Fès

Infective endocarditis is a consequence of microbial transplant valvular endocardium may occur in a healthy heart, a heart valve or an intracardiac material. In our study, we compiled 100 patients with infective endocarditis over a period of 8 years. Echocardiography showed a vegetation in 84% of our patients, blood cultures were negative in 66% of cases. Endocarditis is certain in 64% of patients; it is possible in 36% of patients, according to the modified Duke criteria. The treatment is based on a bi-bactericidal antibiotics and urgent cardiac surgery was performed in 11% of cases.The hospital mortality was 21% of cases. Delay treatment of rheumatic valvular underlying added to the severity of the clinical picture of endocarditis explain the high hospital mortality in our series. This shows the importance of the fight against rheumatic fever should be a national goal of health policy in our country

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AuteurAgharbi S
EncadrantAkoudad H