La rupture sous cutanée du tendon d’Achille expérience du service de chirurgie osteo-articulaire B4

The Rupture of the Achilles tendon is more common in the world and in our country because of the considerable development of sports activities, increasing their intensity and lack of prevention. In this retrospective study, we propose to specify the epidemiological, clinical, therapeutic and post-therapeutic features in this lesion. This study is about 10 patients collected between January 2011 and January 2014 in the department of traumatology orthopedics B4 of Hassan II Hospital in Fès. Our patients are divided into 9 men and 1 women, the mean age was 38 years with ages ranged from 16 to 60 years. Sports accidents were responsible for Achilles tendon rupture in 7 of our patients. Achieving the left side was dominant .The diagnosis was clear on c1inical examination. All patients received open surgery . One patient had a skin infection. No cases of postoperative pain or iterative rupture were occurred. The long-term results were assessed according to the criteria McComis with a mean of 2 years. Thus, we identified 100% excellent and good results. The rupture of Achilles tendon is largely the preserve of the young person , usually active, victim of sport accident. The therapeutic methods are very diverse with a better recovery rate for the surgical treatment despite the risk of skin complications. The management of Achilles tendon rupture remains a subject of controversy between the of efficiency of surgical and orthopedic treatment. The development of percutaneous and functional techniques still has not allowed to conclude to the superiority of a treatment compared to another