Choriocarcinoma: a hidden face of pemphigoid gestationis

Gestationis pemphigoid is an autoimmune subepidermal blistering dermatosis occurring predominantly in pregnancy, more seldom in early puerperium, and exceptionally in post-abortion. The association of gestationis pemphigoid with choriocarcinoma is extremely rare. We report this association in a patient of 35 years in which the diagnosis of gestationis pemphigoid was made on clinical, histological and immunological criteria, and the one of choriocarcinoma was made on clinical, biological radiological and histological criteria. Through this article, we put the item on this association reported for the first time in post-abortion

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Disciplines associéesLaboratoire, Gynécologie Obstétrique 2
AuteurInani K
Auteurs associésMeziane M, Bouyahyaoui Y, Mernissi FZ, Sekal M, Harmouch T, Amarti A, RACHADE M, Melhouf MA
RevueGynecol Obstet Fertil
Référence Revue42(5):357-9