Bone hydatid cyst: a rare localization at the level of the hip bone

Hydatid disease is a parasitic disease caused by the development in humans of the larval form of a tapeworm, namely a very small tænia called Echinococcus Granulosus. This anthropozoonosis is characterized by the presence of different types of anatomo-radiologic variants associated with various topographic and evolutionary aspects of the cysts. Bone hydatid disease is a rare condition, it accounts for only 0.9-2.5% of all locations. We report the case of a 9 year old child, who was admitted with febrile lameness and with a mass in the right iliac fossa, revealing a hydatid cyst at the level of the hip bone. Lesion assessment objectified a hydatid cyst of the hip bone with extension into adjacent soft tissues. An infected cyst was detected during surgery, hence the performance of a surgical excision of the cyst with drainage. Hydatic osteopathy is infiltrating, diffuse, slow and gradual, causing delays in diagnosis and compromising the quality of care

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Disciplines associéesChirurgie Pédiatrique 2
AuteurNhamoucha Y
Auteurs associésAlaoui O, Doumbia A, Oukhoya M, Abdellaoui H, Tazi M, Chater L, Atarraf K, Arroud M, Afifi A
DisciplineTraumato-Orthopédie Pédiatrique
RevuePan Afr Med J
Référence Revue24:230