Les hématomes extraduraux de la fosse cérébrale postérieure (A propos de 29 cas et revue de la littérature)

INTRODUCTION : The epidural hematoma (HED) represents the neurosurgical emergency by excellence. Its location at the posterior fossa is extremely rare compared to HED supratentorial. The clinical symptoms may be insidious but neurological deterioration is sometimes sudden and fatal if untreated. The diagnosis is based on the scanner and the prognosis is generally good. PATIENTS AND METHODS : Our study focuses on a retrospective series of 29 cases of the epidural hematoma of the cerebral fossa traited in the Neurosurgery department of the CHU Hassan II of Fez over a period from June 2002 to December 2013. RESULTS : The age of our patients was 25.44 years with extremes of 06 and 70 years. There is a male predominance with a sex ratio of 3.88 (23 men to 06 women). All of the HED FCP were traumatic. In our series, 82.75% of patients had a GCS of 13 to 15. The radiograph was made in 41% of cases. Brain CT was done in all cases. 14 of our patients had HED blade while the volume was important in other cases. 62% of our patients were operated. The postoperative course was good in all cases. CONCLUSION : The HED of the postérior fossa is a rare entity. Computed tomography is the key consideration.The prognosis is generally good. This study aims to: + To study the epidemiological, clinical, radiological, therapeutic, and evolving this disease in our series. + To compare our results with the literature data

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AuteurMeknassi M
EncadrantBenzagmout M